Who would you love to HUG right now, if you could?

Even though Andy says we can't be doin' that, for Kentucky Gives Day this year, RUX is asking you to HUG (Help Us Grow) Kentucky.

Here's how #HUGKY works:

1) On May 12th, go to KYRUX's Facebook page and find the #HUGKY Post.

2) Share the #HUGKY post to your own page.

3) Tag all the people you can't wait to HUG, and donate $1 to RUX's Kentucky Gives Day campaign in honor of them.

4) Ask them to pass on the HUGS!

If you tag five people, and they tag five people, and they tag five people, we can exponentially grow our Commonwealth in the Currency of Connection.

We hope this campaign will encourage you to show some love to our state, and to those you care about most. Because we all really could use a HUG right now!

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