2021 Year in Review

2021 Year In Review

While 2021 required another year without gatherings, RUX continues to use agile and innovative strategies to advance our mission. 

Institutional Development—We’re hiring a KY RUX Program Manager, our first full-time staff! We received a National Endowment for the Arts grant, restructured our leadership team to enhance Operational and Programmatic focus, and added 13 new Steering Committee members to improve representation of Kentucky’s diverse geographies, identities, and industries. 

Advancing Equity—Over the past two years, we’ve focused on the following strategies to strengthen our commitment to equity: Assessment, Responsiveness, Skill Building, and Community Responsibility. Last year, we completed an impact assessment process that resulted in the Living with Complexity Case Studies and Rural-Urban Exchange Handbook. Through parallel work with our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee, we learned about our gaps, challenges, strengths, and opportunities to advance equity within RUX and across the state. We hired UnLock Creative to guide an Equity Audit and Coaching process to enhance the safety, support, and inclusivity of RUX, and are now refining our strategy and training for 2022. 

Progressive Narratives—This year, we continued our partnership to support 8th of August at the Hotel Metropolitan, and invested in the Rural-Urban Solidarity media project. Rural-Urban Solidarity highlights Kentucky’s journey to become a more progressive region through the stories of Black rural Organizers. Segments feature Harlan County, Murray, Northern Kentucky, and Paducah. Collectively, they bridge the surge of rural BLM actions in 2020 with long-term racial justice work across Kentucky. The film series is facilitated by RUX and KERTIS, produced by diverse regional segment teams, and guided by our Advisors. 

RUX Network Support—We hosted virtual cohort events and regional outdoor gatherings. After dozens of virtual events in 2020, we were more strategic in remote programming this year. 

Knowledge Sharing—We continue to measure the model's effectiveness through technical assistance with Minnesota RUX. They are on track to launch their first cohort in 2022! We also contribute to knowledge building through our freely accessible case studies and handbook.