Honky Talkin' with Eastern KY musicians // Intercultural Microgrant Guest Blog

The following guest blog is from 2024 Intercultural Microgrant recipient Honky Talkin’, who received support through our Artist-led Projects Generating Economic Impact in Eastern KY fund. Learn more about this project at kyrux.org/microgrants/2024.

With the support of a KY RUX Intercultural Microgrant, McKinley Moore & Honky Talkin’ bring Eastern KY artists to Louisville for the Honky Talkin’ podcast & performances, including most recently Luke Trimble. Hear more below!

The Kentucky Intercultural Microgrant Program is a seed grant to support two or more individuals or organizations collaborating across distance, difference, or sector on projects that celebrate and connect Kentucky's people and places. 

Launched with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kentucky Foundation for Women, Kentucky Waterways Alliance, Fund for the Arts, the Monument Workshop at UK, the Josh May Memorial Fund, and individual donors, the 2024 Microgrant Program invests in a series of seed grants (awards from $250-2000) to support short-term projects that foster dialogue, connection, or collaboration among Kentuckians from disparate backgrounds, identities, or experiences. Projects that involve diverse partners and invite the public to participate are preferred.

ICM 2024, MicrograntsKYRUX